.gitignore 703 B

  1. # ---> Go
  2. # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
  3. *.o
  4. *.a
  5. *.so
  6. # Folders
  7. _obj
  8. _test
  9. # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
  10. *.[568vq]
  11. [568vq].out
  12. *.cgo1.go
  13. *.cgo2.c
  14. _cgo_defun.c
  15. _cgo_gotypes.go
  16. _cgo_export.*
  17. _testmain.go
  18. *.exe
  19. *.test
  20. *.prof
  21. build/*
  22. # ignoring the PHP scripts the client provided me.
  23. inc/
  24. inc/*
  25. inc/**
  26. # ignoring .env files
  27. *.env
  28. # ignoring real config files
  29. .config.*
  30. # everything in the config directory
  31. config/routemaps/*
  32. config/pagemod/*
  33. config/rsc/*
  34. config/fileserver/*
  35. config/*.config
  36. config/*.json
  37. # cookies.json file
  38. cookies.json
  39. ./build/linux/http-wokou/*
  40. ./build/linux/wokou-cmd/*
  41. # anything .pem
  42. *.pem
  43. # ignoring all temp files
  44. temp_*