11 months ago | |
cmd | 11 months ago | |
pkg | 11 months ago | |
.gitignore | 11 months ago | |
LICENSE | 11 months ago | |
Makefile | 11 months ago | |
README.md | 11 months ago | |
go.mod | 11 months ago | |
go.sum | 11 months ago |
http-wokou (woe-koe-uh) is a web proxying framework that supports javascript modification, reverse proxying, caching, and dynamic routing.
It is meant to assist in couteracting DNS black hole when attempting to access a blocked resource from a protected network,
or to access a web application privately.
As it stands, http-wokou runs in aggressive mode, or 'shotgun' mode, wherein the configuration file you specify the 'expected' domains that
the target web resource uses, I.E. CDN's, 3rd party authentication services, API's, and so forth. Subsequently you supply the shotgun 'slugs'
in the routemap. When you request a web page through your proxies domain name, it will rewrite all instances of whatever is specified in the
rewrite file. This allows for the javascript to get rewritten mid-flight, before it lands on the client. When your machine executes the
javascript, it will automatically target your proxy. It is up to you to specify all the expected domains and have them rewritten with you proxies
domain name in the rewrite file. When the proxy then recieves a request, it will spin off goroutines to attempt to get the requested resource
on each domain. This is not foolproof, and can result in errors. Manual intervention may be required for certain routes.
When the proxy recieves a 200 request, it will update its routecache with a mapping of that URI path to the responding domain. This allows
the proxy to have a relatively quick way to map that URI to the appropriate domain next time it is requested.
As an administrator, it is your job to know what cookies your web application requires to operate. Once you manually identify and extract the cookies,
you can add them to the programs configuration via the wokou-cmd command line tool. (add more info on this later. Not done yet)
As the proxy stands right now, when a SIGINT is sent to the program, it will write the contents of its routemap to the file specified in the config
titled route_map_path. This will then be loaded again after the program starts, so that you do not need to rebuild the routemap each time.
at times, manual intervention is required when a page cannot load a resource accurately. Some resource files, such as a javascript file may require to retrieve
other javascript files from a CDN, and you may need to exclude that route from alteration in the config file.