# ---> Go # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) *.o *.a *.so # Folders _obj _test # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes *.[568vq] [568vq].out *.cgo1.go *.cgo2.c _cgo_defun.c _cgo_gotypes.go _cgo_export.* _testmain.go *.exe *.test *.prof build/* # ignoring the PHP scripts the client provided me. inc/ inc/* inc/** # ignoring .env files *.env # ignoring real config files .config.* # everything in the config directory config/routemaps/* config/pagemod/* config/rsc/* config/fileserver/* config/*.config config/*.json # cookies.json file cookies.json ./build/linux/http-wokou/* ./build/linux/wokou-cmd/* # anything .pem *.pem # ignoring all temp files temp_*