package dclient import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "os" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) type DaemonClient struct { SockPath string // the absolute path of the unix domain socket Stream io.ReadWriter } const BLANK_JSON = "{\"blank\": \"hey!\"}" /* Gets the configuration from the upstream daemon/server */ func (d DaemonClient) GetConfig() daemon.ConfigFromFile { resp := d.Call([]byte(BLANK_JSON), "config", "show") var cfg daemon.ConfigFromFile err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body, &cfg) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error unmarshalling config struct ", err.Error()) } return cfg } /* Parse a string into a hashmap to allow for key-based data retrieval. Strings formatted in a comma delimited, key-value pair denoted by an equal sign can be parsed. i.e. 'name=primary,wan=' :param arg: the string to be parsed */ func makeArgMap(arg string) map[string]string { argSplit := strings.Split(arg, ",") argMap := map[string]string{} for i := range argSplit { a := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(argSplit[i]), "=") if len(a) != 2 { log.Fatal("Key values must be passed comma delimmited, seperated with an '='. i.e. 'public=12345abcdef,secret=qwerty69420'") } argMap[strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(a[0]))] = strings.TrimSpace(a[1]) } return argMap } /* Convenience function for building a request to add a server to the daemon's configuration table :param argMap: a map with named elements that correspond to the subsequent struct's fields */ func serverAddRequestBuilder(argMap map[string]string) []byte { port, err := strconv.Atoi(argMap["port"]) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Port passed: ", argMap["port"], " is not a valid integer.") } if port <= 0 || port > 65535 { log.Fatal("Port passed: ", port, " Was not in the valid range of between 1-65535.") } b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.VpnServer{WanIpv4: argMap["wan"], Port: port, Name: argMap["name"]}) return b } /* Wraps the creation of a request to add/delete a peer from the config :param argMap: a map with named elements that correspond to the subsequent struct's fields */ func peerAddRequestBuilder(argMap map[string]string) []byte { b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.VpnClient{Name: argMap["name"], Pubkey: argMap["pubkey"]}) return b } /* Wraps the creation of a request to add to the keyring :param argMap: a map with named elements that correspond to the subsequent struct's fields */ func keyringRequstBuilder(argMap map[string]string) []byte { b, _ := json.Marshal(hashicorp.VaultItem{Public: argMap["public"], Secret: argMap["secret"], Type: argMap["type"], Name: argMap["name"]}) return b } /* Wraps the creation of a request to render a configuration :param argMap: a map with named elements that correspond to the subsequent struct's fields */ func configRenderRequestBuilder(argMap map[string]string) []byte { b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.ConfigRenderRequest{Server: argMap["server"], Client: argMap["client"]}) return b } func (d DaemonClient) addLinodeRequestBuilder(arg string) []byte { cfg := d.GetConfig() addLn := linode.AddLinodeRequest{ Name: arg, Image: cfg.Cloud.Image, Type: cfg.Cloud.LinodeType, Region: cfg.Cloud.Region, } b, _ := json.Marshal(addLn) return b } func (d DaemonClient) Call(payload []byte, target string, method string) daemon.SockMessage { msg := daemon.SockMessage{ Type: daemon.MsgRequest, TypeLen: int8(len(daemon.MsgRequest)), StatusMsg: "", StatusCode: 0, Version: daemon.SockMsgVers, Body: payload, Target: target, Method: method, } conn, err := net.Dial("unix", d.SockPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() buf := bytes.NewBuffer(daemon.Marshal(msg)) _, err = io.Copy(conn, buf) if err != nil { log.Fatal("write error:", err) } resp := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) _, err = io.Copy(resp, conn) if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { fmt.Println("exited ok.") os.Exit(0) } log.Fatal(err) } return daemon.Unmarshal(resp.Bytes()) } const UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCK_PATH = "/tmp/yosaid.sock" /* Build a JSON request to send the yosaid daemon :param v: a struct to serialize for a request :param value: a string to put into the request */ func jsonBuilder(v interface{}, value string) []byte { delLn, ok := v.(linode.DeleteLinodeRequest) if ok { delLn = linode.DeleteLinodeRequest{ Name: value, } b, _ := json.Marshal(delLn) return b } pollLn, ok := v.(linode.PollLinodeRequest) if ok { pollLn = linode.PollLinodeRequest{ Address: value, } b, _ := json.Marshal(pollLn) return b } semReq, ok := v.(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest) if ok { semReq = semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{ Target: value, } b, _ := json.Marshal(semReq) return b } return []byte("{\"data\":\"test\"}") } /* Create a server, and propogate it across the daemon's system */ func (d DaemonClient) NewServer(name string) error { // create new server in cloud environment ipv4, err := d.addLinode(name) if err != nil { return err } // add server data to daemon configuration conf := d.GetConfig() b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.VpnServer{WanIpv4: ipv4, Name: name, Port: conf.Service.VpnServerPort}) resp := d.Call(b, "config-server", "add") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } // add configuration data to ansible resp = d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, name), "ansible-hosts", "add") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Helper function to get servers from the daemon config :param val: either the WAN IPv4 address, or the name of the server to get */ func (d DaemonClient) GetServer(val string) (daemon.VpnServer, error) { cfg := d.GetConfig() for name := range cfg.Service.Servers { if cfg.Service.Servers[name].WanIpv4 == val { return cfg.Service.Servers[val], nil } server, ok := cfg.Service.Servers[val] if ok { return server, nil } } return daemon.VpnServer{}, &ServerNotFound{Name: val} } /* Add a server to the configuration */ func (d DaemonClient) AddServeToConfig(val string) error { argMap := makeArgMap(val) resp := d.Call(serverAddRequestBuilder(argMap), "config-server", "add") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Trigger the daemon to execute the vpn rotation playbook on all of the servers in the ansible inventory */ func (d DaemonClient) ConfigureServers() (daemon.SockMessage, error) { resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, semaphore.YosaiVpnRotationJob), "ansible-job", "run") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } taskInfo := semaphore.TaskInfo{} err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body, &taskInfo) if err != nil { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } resp = d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, fmt.Sprint(taskInfo.ID)), "ansible-job", "poll") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return resp, nil } /* Poll until a server is done being created :param name: the name of the server */ func (d DaemonClient) PollServer(name string) (daemon.SockMessage, error) { resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(linode.PollLinodeRequest{}, name), "cloud", "poll") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return resp, nil } /* Remove a server from the daemon configuration :param name: the name of the server to remove */ func (d DaemonClient) RemoveServerFromConfig(name string) error { b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.VpnServer{Name: name}) resp := d.Call(b, "config-server", "delete") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Remove a server from the ansible inventory :param name: the name of the server to remove from ansible */ func (d DaemonClient) RemoveServerFromAnsible(name string) error { server, err := d.GetServer(name) if err != nil { return err } resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, server.WanIpv4), "ansible-hosts", "delete") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Destroy a server by its logical name in the configuration, ansible inventory, and cloud provider :param name: the name of the server in the system */ func (d DaemonClient) DestroyServer(name string) error { cfg := d.GetConfig() resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(linode.DeleteLinodeRequest{}, name), "cloud", "delete") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } resp = d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, cfg.Service.Servers[name].WanIpv4), "ansible-hosts", "delete") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.VpnServer{Name: name}) resp = d.Call(b, "config-server", "delete") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } func (d DaemonClient) BringDownIntf(name string) (daemon.SockMessage, error) { b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.StartWireguardRequest{InterfaceName: name}) resp := d.Call(b, "daemon", "wg-down") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return resp, nil } func (d DaemonClient) BringUpIntf(name string) (daemon.SockMessage, error) { b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.StartWireguardRequest{InterfaceName: name}) resp := d.Call(b, "daemon", "wg-up") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return resp, &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return resp, nil } func (d DaemonClient) DestroyIntf(name string) error { return nil } func (d DaemonClient) HealthCheck() (daemon.SockMessage, error) { return daemon.SockMessage{}, nil } func (d DaemonClient) LockFirewall() error { return nil } /* Render the a wireguard configuration file */ func (d DaemonClient) RenderWgConfig(arg string) daemon.SockMessage { argMap := makeArgMap(arg) outputToFile, ok := argMap["outmode"] var outToFile bool if ok { if outputToFile == "save" { outToFile = true } else { outToFile = false } } else { outToFile = false } b, _ := json.Marshal(daemon.ConfigRenderRequest{Server: argMap["server"], Client: argMap["client"], OutputToFile: outToFile}) return d.Call(b, "daemon", "render-config") } /* This is function creates a linode, and then returns the IPv4 as a string :param name: the name to assign the linode */ func (d DaemonClient) addLinode(name string) (string, error) { cfg := d.GetConfig() b, _ := json.Marshal(linode.AddLinodeRequest{ Image: cfg.Cloud.Image, Region: cfg.Cloud.Region, Type: cfg.Cloud.LinodeType, Name: name, }) resp := d.Call(b, "cloud", "add") linodeResp := linode.GetLinodeResponse{} err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body, &linodeResp) if err != nil { return "", &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return linodeResp.Ipv4[0], nil } func (d DaemonClient) BootstrapAll() error { resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, "all"), "ansible", "bootstrap") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Force the daemon to reload its configuration */ func (d DaemonClient) ForceReload() error { resp := d.Call([]byte(BLANK_JSON), "config", "reload") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* Force a configuration save to the daemon/server */ func (d DaemonClient) ForceSave() error { resp := d.Call([]byte(BLANK_JSON), "config", "save") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } /* This creates a new server, wrapping the DaemonClient.NewServer() function, and then configures it :param name: the name to give the server */ func (d DaemonClient) ServiceInit(name string) error { d.NewServer(name) resp := d.Call(jsonBuilder(linode.PollLinodeRequest{}, name), "cloud", "poll") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } resp = d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, "VPN Rotation playbook"), "ansible-job", "run") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } semaphoreResp := semaphore.TaskInfo{} err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body, &semaphoreResp) if err != nil { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } resp = d.Call(jsonBuilder(semaphore.SemaphoreRequest{}, fmt.Sprint(semaphoreResp.ID)), "ansible-job", "poll") if resp.StatusCode != daemon.REQUEST_OK { return &DaemonClientError{SockMsg: resp} } return nil } type DaemonClientError struct { SockMsg daemon.SockMessage } func (d *DaemonClientError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Response Code: %v, Response Message: %s, Body: %s", d.SockMsg.StatusCode, d.SockMsg.StatusMsg, string(d.SockMsg.Body)) } type ServerNotFound struct { Name string } func (s *ServerNotFound) Error() string { return "Server with name: " + s.Name + " was not found." }