package kyoketsu
import (
// Holding all static web server resources
//go:embed html/bootstrap-5.0.2-dist/js/* html/bootstrap-5.0.2-dist/css/* html/htmx.min.js html/templates/* html/img/*
var content embed.FS
Run a new webserver
:param port: port number to run the webserver on
func RunHttpServer(port int, dbhook TopologyDatabaseIO) {
assets := &AssetHandler{Root: content, RelPath: "static", EmbedRoot: "html"}
tmpl, err := template.ParseFS(content, "html/templates/*.html")
if err != nil {
htmlHndl := &HtmlHandler{Home: tmpl, DbHook: dbhook}
http.Handle("/static/", assets)
http.Handle("/home", htmlHndl)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%v", port), nil))
// handlers //
type HtmlHandler struct {
Home *template.Template // pointer to the HTML homepage
DbHook TopologyDatabaseIO
Handler function for HTML serving
:param w: http.ResponseWriter interface for sending data back
:param r: pointer to the http.Request coming in
func (h *HtmlHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data, err := h.DbHook.All()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "You have made it to the kyoketsu web server!\nThere was an error getting the db table, though.\n%s", err)
h.Home.Execute(w, data)
type AssetHandler struct {
Root embed.FS // Should be able to use anything that implements the fs.FS interface for serving asset files
EmbedRoot string // This is the root of the embeded file system
RelPath string // The path that will be used for the handler, relative to the root of the webserver (/static, /assets, etc)
Handler function to serve out asset files (HTMX, bootstrap, pngs etc)
:param w: http.ResponseWriter interface for sending data back to the caller
:param r: pointer to an http.Request
func (a *AssetHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var uripath string // the path from the request
var pathSp []string // the path from the request split, so that we can point the request path to the embedded fs
var assetPath []string // the cleaned path for the requested asset
var fname string // filename of the requested asset
var ctype string
var b []byte
var err error
uripath = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, a.RelPath)
uripath = strings.Trim(uripath, "/")
pathSp = strings.Split(uripath, "/")
fname = pathSp[len(pathSp)-1]
assetPath = append(assetPath, a.EmbedRoot)
for i := 1; i < len(pathSp); i++ {
assetPath = append(assetPath, pathSp[i])
b, err = a.Root.ReadFile(path.Join(assetPath...))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Error occured: %s. path split: '%s'\nAsset Path: %s", err, pathSp, assetPath)
switch {
case strings.Contains(fname, "css"):
ctype = "text/css"
case strings.Contains(fname, "js"):
ctype = "text/javascript"
case strings.Contains(fname, "html"):
ctype = "text/html"
case strings.Contains(fname, "json"):
ctype = "application/json"
case strings.Contains(fname, "png"):
ctype = "image/png"
ctype = "text"
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", ctype)
fmt.Fprint(w, string(b))