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layout: docs title: Visually hidden description: Use these helpers to visually hide elements but keep them accessible to assistive technologies. group: helpers

aliases: "/docs/5.0/helpers/screen-readers/"

Visually hide an element while still allowing it to be exposed to assistive technologies (such as screen readers) with .visually-hidden. Use .visually-hidden-focusable to visually hide an element by default, but to display it when it's focused (e.g. by a keyboard-only user). .visually-hidden-focusable can also be applied to a container–thanks to :focus-within, the container will be displayed when any child element of the container receives focus.

{{< example >}}

Title for screen readers

Skip to main content
A container with a focusable element.
{{< /example >}}

Both visually-hidden and visually-hidden-focusable can also be used as mixins.

// Usage as a mixin

.visually-hidden-title {
  @include visually-hidden;

.skip-navigation {
  @include visually-hidden-focusable;