bootstrap-logo-solid.svg 787 B

  1. <svg xmlns=""{{ with .width }} width="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with .height }} height="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with .class }} class="{{ . }}"{{ end }} viewBox="0 0 64 64" role="img"><title>{{ with .title }}{{ . }}{{ else }}Bootstrap{{ end }}</title><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16 0h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16C7.163 64 0 56.837 0 48V16C0 7.163 7.163 0 16 0zm18.14 49c7.22 0 11.555-3.633 11.555-9.586 0-4.406-3.047-7.664-7.617-8.133v-.398c3.328-.563 5.93-3.727 5.93-7.266 0-5.203-3.82-8.437-10.172-8.437H20.242V49h13.899zm-8.648-29.367h7.125c3.89 0 6.164 1.828 6.164 4.945 0 3.211-2.414 4.922-7.054 4.922h-6.235v-9.867zm0 24.914V33.648h7.29c4.945 0 7.546 1.852 7.546 5.391 0 3.586-2.508 5.508-7.242 5.508h-7.594z"/></svg>