docs.html 1.8 KB

  1. {{ define "main" }}
  2. {{ partial "docs-subnav" . }}
  3. <div class="container-xxl my-md-4 bd-layout">
  4. <aside class="bd-sidebar">
  5. {{ partial "docs-sidebar" . }}
  6. </aside>
  7. <main class="bd-main order-1">
  8. <div class="bd-intro ps-lg-4">
  9. <div class="d-md-flex flex-md-row-reverse align-items-center justify-content-between">
  10. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-bd-light mb-2 mb-md-0" href="{{ .Site.Params.repo }}/blob/main/site/content/{{ .Page.File.Path | replaceRE `\\` "/" }}" title="View and edit this file on GitHub" target="_blank" rel="noopener">View on GitHub</a>
  11. <h1 class="bd-title" id="content">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</h1>
  12. </div>
  13. <p class="bd-lead">{{ .Page.Params.Description | markdownify }}</p>
  14. {{ partial "ads" . }}
  15. </div>
  16. {{ if (eq .Page.Params.toc true) }}
  17. <div class="bd-toc mt-4 mb-5 my-md-0 ps-xl-3 mb-lg-5 text-muted">
  18. <strong class="d-block h6 my-2 pb-2 border-bottom">On this page</strong>
  19. {{ .TableOfContents }}
  20. </div>
  21. {{ end }}
  22. <div class="bd-content ps-lg-4">
  23. {{ if .Page.Params.sections }}
  24. <div class="row g-3">
  25. {{ range .Page.Params.sections }}
  26. <div class="col-md-6">
  27. <a class="d-block text-decoration-none" href="../{{ urlize .title }}/">
  28. <strong class="d-block h5 mb-0">{{ .title }}</strong>
  29. <span class="text-secondary">{{ .description }}</span>
  30. </a>
  31. </div>
  32. {{ end }}
  33. </div>
  34. {{ end }}
  35. {{ .Content }}
  36. </div>
  37. </main>
  38. </div>
  39. {{ end }}
  40. {{ define "footer" }}
  41. {{ range .Page.Params.extra_js -}}
  42. <script{{ with .async }} async{{ end }} src="{{ .src }}"></script>
  43. {{- end -}}
  44. {{ end }}