import Carousel from '../../src/carousel' import EventHandler from '../../src/dom/event-handler' /** Test helpers */ import { clearFixture, createEvent, getFixture, jQueryMock } from '../helpers/fixture' import * as util from '../../src/util' describe('Carousel', () => { const { Simulator, PointerEvent } = window const originWinPointerEvent = PointerEvent const supportPointerEvent = Boolean(PointerEvent) const cssStyleCarousel = '.carousel.pointer-event { touch-action: none; }' const stylesCarousel = document.createElement('style') stylesCarousel.type = 'text/css' stylesCarousel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssStyleCarousel)) const clearPointerEvents = () => { window.PointerEvent = null } const restorePointerEvents = () => { window.PointerEvent = originWinPointerEvent } let fixtureEl beforeAll(() => { fixtureEl = getFixture() }) afterEach(() => { clearFixture() }) describe('VERSION', () => { it('should return plugin version', () => { expect(Carousel.VERSION).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)) }) }) describe('Default', () => { it('should return plugin default config', () => { expect(Carousel.Default).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)) }) }) describe('DATA_KEY', () => { it('should return plugin data key', () => { expect(Carousel.DATA_KEY).toEqual('bs.carousel') }) }) describe('constructor', () => { it('should take care of element either passed as a CSS selector or DOM element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carouselBySelector = new Carousel('#myCarousel') const carouselByElement = new Carousel(carouselEl) expect(carouselBySelector._element).toEqual(carouselEl) expect(carouselByElement._element).toEqual(carouselEl) }) it('should go to next item if right arrow key is pressed', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { keyboard: true }) spyOn(carousel, '_keydown').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item2')) expect(carousel._keydown).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }) const keydown = createEvent('keydown') keydown.key = 'ArrowRight' carouselEl.dispatchEvent(keydown) }) it('should go to previous item if left arrow key is pressed', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { keyboard: true }) spyOn(carousel, '_keydown').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item1')) expect(carousel._keydown).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }) const keydown = createEvent('keydown') keydown.key = 'ArrowLeft' carouselEl.dispatchEvent(keydown) }) it('should not prevent keydown if key is not ARROW_LEFT or ARROW_RIGHT', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { keyboard: true }) spyOn(carousel, '_keydown').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('keydown', event => { expect(carousel._keydown).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(event.defaultPrevented).toEqual(false) done() }) const keydown = createEvent('keydown') keydown.key = 'ArrowDown' carouselEl.dispatchEvent(keydown) }) it('should ignore keyboard events within s and ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const input = fixtureEl.querySelector('input') const textarea = fixtureEl.querySelector('textarea') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { keyboard: true }) const spyKeydown = spyOn(carousel, '_keydown').and.callThrough() const spySlide = spyOn(carousel, '_slide') const keydown = createEvent('keydown', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }) keydown.key = 'ArrowRight' Object.defineProperty(keydown, 'target', { value: input, writable: true, configurable: true }) input.dispatchEvent(keydown) expect(spyKeydown).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spySlide).not.toHaveBeenCalled() spyKeydown.calls.reset() spySlide.calls.reset() Object.defineProperty(keydown, 'target', { value: textarea }) textarea.dispatchEvent(keydown) expect(spyKeydown).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spySlide).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should not slide if arrow key is pressed and carousel is sliding', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) spyOn(carousel, '_triggerSlideEvent') carousel._isSliding = true; ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].forEach(key => { const keydown = createEvent('keydown') keydown.key = key carouselEl.dispatchEvent(keydown) }) expect(carousel._triggerSlideEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should wrap around from end to start when wrap option is true', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { wrap: true }) const getActiveId = () => { return carouselEl.querySelector('').getAttribute('id') } carouselEl.addEventListener('', e => { const activeId = getActiveId() if (activeId === 'two') { return } if (activeId === 'three') { return } if (activeId === 'one') { // carousel wrapped around and slid from 3rd to 1st slide expect(activeId).toEqual('one') expect(e.from + 1).toEqual(3) done() } }) }) it('should stay at the start when the prev method is called and wrap is false', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const firstElement = fixtureEl.querySelector('#one') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { wrap: false }) carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { throw new Error('carousel slid when it should not have slid') }) carousel.prev() setTimeout(() => { expect(firstElement.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) done() }, 10) }) it('should not add touch event listeners if touch = false', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') spyOn(Carousel.prototype, '_addTouchEventListeners') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { touch: false }) expect(carousel._addTouchEventListeners).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should not add touch event listeners if touch supported = false', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl), '.bs-carousel') carousel._touchSupported = false spyOn(carousel, '_addTouchEventListeners') carousel._addEventListeners() expect(carousel._addTouchEventListeners).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should add touch event listeners by default', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') spyOn(Carousel.prototype, '_addTouchEventListeners') // Headless browser does not support touch events, so need to fake it // to test that touch events are add properly. document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) expect(carousel._addTouchEventListeners).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should allow swiperight and call _slide (prev) with pointer events', done => { if (!supportPointerEvent) { expect().nothing() done() return } document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} document.head.appendChild(stylesCarousel) Simulator.setType('pointer') fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const item = fixtureEl.querySelector('#item') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, '_slide').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', event => { expect(item.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(carousel._slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith('right') expect(event.direction).toEqual('right') document.head.removeChild(stylesCarousel) delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart done() }) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { deltaX: 300, deltaY: 0 }) }) it('should allow swipeleft and call next with pointer events', done => { if (!supportPointerEvent) { expect().nothing() done() return } document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} document.head.appendChild(stylesCarousel) Simulator.setType('pointer') fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const item = fixtureEl.querySelector('#item') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, '_slide').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', event => { expect(item.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(false) expect(carousel._slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith('left') expect(event.direction).toEqual('left') document.head.removeChild(stylesCarousel) delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart done() }) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { pos: [300, 10], deltaX: -300, deltaY: 0 }) }) it('should allow swiperight and call _slide (prev) with touch events', done => { Simulator.setType('touch') clearPointerEvents() document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const item = fixtureEl.querySelector('#item') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, '_slide').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', event => { expect(item.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(carousel._slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith('right') expect(event.direction).toEqual('right') delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart restorePointerEvents() done() }) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { deltaX: 300, deltaY: 0 }) }) it('should allow swipeleft and call _slide (next) with touch events', done => { Simulator.setType('touch') clearPointerEvents() document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const item = fixtureEl.querySelector('#item') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, '_slide').and.callThrough() carouselEl.addEventListener('', event => { expect(item.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(false) expect(carousel._slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith('left') expect(event.direction).toEqual('left') delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart restorePointerEvents() done() }) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { pos: [300, 10], deltaX: -300, deltaY: 0 }) }) it('should not slide when swiping and carousel is sliding', done => { Simulator.setType('touch') clearPointerEvents() document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) carousel._isSliding = true spyOn(carousel, '_triggerSlideEvent') Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { deltaX: 300, deltaY: 0 }) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { pos: [300, 10], deltaX: -300, deltaY: 0 }) setTimeout(() => { expect(carousel._triggerSlideEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled() delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart restorePointerEvents() done() }, 300) }) it('should not allow pinch with touch events', done => { Simulator.setType('touch') clearPointerEvents() document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} fixtureEl.innerHTML = '' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) Simulator.gestures.swipe(carouselEl, { pos: [300, 10], deltaX: -300, deltaY: 0, touches: 2 }, () => { restorePointerEvents() delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart expect(carousel.touchDeltaX).toEqual(0) done() }) }) it('should call pause method on mouse over with pause equal to hover', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, 'pause') const mouseOverEvent = createEvent('mouseover') carouselEl.dispatchEvent(mouseOverEvent) setTimeout(() => { expect(carousel.pause).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }, 10) }) it('should call cycle on mouse out with pause equal to hover', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, 'cycle') const mouseOutEvent = createEvent('mouseout') carouselEl.dispatchEvent(mouseOutEvent) setTimeout(() => { expect(carousel.cycle).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }, 10) }) }) describe('next', () => { it('should not slide if the carousel is sliding', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) spyOn(carousel, '_triggerSlideEvent') carousel._isSliding = true expect(carousel._triggerSlideEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should not fire slid when slide is prevented', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) let slidEvent = false const doneTest = () => { setTimeout(() => { expect(slidEvent).toEqual(false) done() }, 20) } carouselEl.addEventListener('', e => { e.preventDefault() doneTest() }) carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { slidEvent = true }) }) it('should fire slide event with: direction, relatedTarget, from and to', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) const onSlide = e => { expect(e.direction).toEqual('left') expect(e.relatedTarget.classList.contains('carousel-item')).toEqual(true) expect(e.from).toEqual(0) expect( carouselEl.removeEventListener('', onSlide) carouselEl.addEventListener('', onSlide2) carousel.prev() } const onSlide2 = e => { expect(e.direction).toEqual('right') done() } carouselEl.addEventListener('', onSlide) }) it('should fire slid event with: direction, relatedTarget, from and to', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) const onSlid = e => { expect(e.direction).toEqual('left') expect(e.relatedTarget.classList.contains('carousel-item')).toEqual(true) expect(e.from).toEqual(0) expect( carouselEl.removeEventListener('', onSlid) carouselEl.addEventListener('', onSlid2) carousel.prev() } const onSlid2 = e => { expect(e.direction).toEqual('right') done() } carouselEl.addEventListener('', onSlid) }) it('should update the active element to the next item before sliding', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const secondItemEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#secondItem') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) expect(carousel._activeElement).toEqual(secondItemEl) }) it('should update indicators if present', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const firstIndicator = fixtureEl.querySelector('#firstIndicator') const secondIndicator = fixtureEl.querySelector('#secondIndicator') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(firstIndicator.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(false) expect(firstIndicator.hasAttribute('aria-current')).toEqual(false) expect(secondIndicator.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(secondIndicator.getAttribute('aria-current')).toEqual('true') done() }) }) it('should call next()/prev() instance methods when clicking the respective direction buttons', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#carousel') const prevBtnEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel-control-prev') const nextBtnEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel-control-next') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) const nextSpy = spyOn(carousel, 'next') const prevSpy = spyOn(carousel, 'prev') expect(nextSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(prevSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('nextWhenVisible', () => { it('should not call next when the page is not visible', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '
', ' ', '
' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.carousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, 'next') carousel.nextWhenVisible() expect( }) }) describe('prev', () => { it('should not slide if the carousel is sliding', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) spyOn(carousel, '_triggerSlideEvent') carousel._isSliding = true carousel.prev() expect(carousel._triggerSlideEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('pause', () => { it('should call cycle if the carousel have carousel-item-next and carousel-item-prev class', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, 'cycle') spyOn(window, 'clearInterval') carousel.pause() expect(carousel.cycle).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) expect(window.clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(carousel._isPaused).toEqual(true) }) it('should not call cycle if nothing is in transition', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(carousel, 'cycle') spyOn(window, 'clearInterval') carousel.pause() expect(carousel.cycle).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(window.clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(carousel._isPaused).toEqual(true) }) it('should not set is paused at true if an event is passed', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) const event = createEvent('mouseenter') spyOn(window, 'clearInterval') carousel.pause(event) expect(window.clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(carousel._isPaused).toEqual(false) }) }) describe('cycle', () => { it('should set an interval', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(window, 'setInterval').and.callThrough() carousel.cycle() expect(window.setInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should not set interval if the carousel is paused', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) spyOn(window, 'setInterval').and.callThrough() carousel._isPaused = true carousel.cycle(true) expect(window.setInterval).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should clear interval if there is one', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) carousel._interval = setInterval(() => {}, 10) spyOn(window, 'setInterval').and.callThrough() spyOn(window, 'clearInterval').and.callThrough() carousel.cycle() expect(window.setInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(window.clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should get interval from data attribute on the active item element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const secondItemEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#secondItem') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, { interval: 1814 }) expect(carousel._config.interval).toEqual(1814) carousel.cycle() expect(carousel._config.interval).toEqual(7) carousel._activeElement = secondItemEl carousel.cycle() expect(carousel._config.interval).toEqual(9385) }) }) describe('to', () => { it('should go directly to the provided index', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item1')) carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item3')) done() }) }) it('should return to a previous slide if the provided index is lower than the current', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item3')) carouselEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.active')).toEqual(fixtureEl.querySelector('#item2')) done() }) }) it('should do nothing if a wrong index is provided', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) const spy = spyOn(carousel, '_slide') expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() spy.calls.reset() expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should call pause and cycle is the provided is the same compare to the current one', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) spyOn(carousel, '_slide') spyOn(carousel, 'pause') spyOn(carousel, 'cycle') expect(carousel._slide).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(carousel.pause).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(carousel.cycle).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should wait before performing to if a slide is sliding', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) spyOn(EventHandler, 'one').and.callThrough() spyOn(carousel, '_slide') carousel._isSliding = true expect(carousel._slide).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect( spyOn(carousel, 'to') EventHandler.trigger(carouselEl, '') setTimeout(() => { expect( done() }) }) }) describe('rtl function', () => { it('"_directionToOrder" and "_orderToDirection" must return the right results', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) expect(carousel._directionToOrder('left')).toEqual('next') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('prev')).toEqual('prev') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('right')).toEqual('prev') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('next')).toEqual('next') expect(carousel._orderToDirection('next')).toEqual('left') expect(carousel._orderToDirection('prev')).toEqual('right') }) it('"_directionToOrder" and "_orderToDirection" must return the right results when rtl=true', () => { document.documentElement.dir = 'rtl' fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) expect(util.isRTL()).toEqual(true, 'rtl has to be true') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('left')).toEqual('prev') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('prev')).toEqual('prev') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('right')).toEqual('next') expect(carousel._directionToOrder('next')).toEqual('next') expect(carousel._orderToDirection('next')).toEqual('right') expect(carousel._orderToDirection('prev')).toEqual('left') document.documentElement.dir = 'ltl' }) it('"_slide" has to call _directionToOrder and "_orderToDirection"', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) const spy = spyOn(carousel, '_directionToOrder').and.callThrough() const spy2 = spyOn(carousel, '_orderToDirection').and.callThrough() carousel._slide('left') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('left') expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith('next') carousel._slide('right') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('right') expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith('prev') }) it('"_slide" has to call "_directionToOrder" and "_orderToDirection" when rtl=true', () => { document.documentElement.dir = 'rtl' fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl, {}) const spy = spyOn(carousel, '_directionToOrder').and.callThrough() const spy2 = spyOn(carousel, '_orderToDirection').and.callThrough() carousel._slide('left') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('left') expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith('prev') carousel._slide('right') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('right') expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith('next') document.documentElement.dir = 'ltl' }) }) describe('dispose', () => { it('should destroy a carousel', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '' ].join('') const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#myCarousel') const addEventSpy = spyOn(carouselEl, 'addEventListener').and.callThrough() const removeEventSpy = spyOn(carouselEl, 'removeEventListener').and.callThrough() // Headless browser does not support touch events, so need to fake it // to test that touch events are add/removed properly. document.documentElement.ontouchstart = () => {} const carousel = new Carousel(carouselEl) const expectedArgs = [ ['keydown', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['mouseover', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['mouseout', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ...(carousel._pointerEvent ? [ ['pointerdown', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['pointerup', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)] ] : [ ['touchstart', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['touchmove', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['touchend', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)] ]) ] expect(addEventSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual(expectedArgs) carousel.dispose() expect(removeEventSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual(expectedArgs) delete document.documentElement.ontouchstart }) }) describe('getInstance', () => { it('should return carousel instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(div) expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(carousel) expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Carousel) }) it('should return null when there is no carousel instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(null) }) }) describe('getOrCreateInstance', () => { it('should return carousel instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(div) expect(Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toEqual(carousel) expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div, {})) expect(Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Carousel) }) it('should return new instance when there is no carousel instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(null) expect(Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Carousel) }) it('should return new instance when there is no carousel instance with given configuration', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(null) const carousel = Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div, { interval: 1 }) expect(carousel).toBeInstanceOf(Carousel) expect(carousel._config.interval).toEqual(1) }) it('should return the instance when exists without given configuration', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(div, { interval: 1 }) expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(carousel) const carousel2 = Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(div, { interval: 2 }) expect(carousel).toBeInstanceOf(Carousel) expect(carousel2).toEqual(carousel) expect(carousel2._config.interval).toEqual(1) }) }) describe('jQueryInterface', () => { it('should create a carousel', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') jQueryMock.fn.carousel = Carousel.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).not.toBeNull() }) it('should not re create a carousel', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(div) jQueryMock.fn.carousel = Carousel.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(Carousel.getInstance(div)).toEqual(carousel) }) it('should call to if the config is a number', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const carousel = new Carousel(div) const slideTo = 2 spyOn(carousel, 'to') jQueryMock.fn.carousel = Carousel.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div], slideTo) expect( }) it('should throw error on undefined method', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const action = 'undefinedMethod' jQueryMock.fn.carousel = Carousel.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(() => {, action) }).toThrowError(TypeError, `No method named "${action}"`) }) }) describe('data-api', () => { it('should init carousels with data-bs-ride="carousel" on load', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
' const carouselEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const loadEvent = createEvent('load') window.dispatchEvent(loadEvent) expect(Carousel.getInstance(carouselEl)).not.toBeNull() }) it('should create carousel and go to the next slide on click (with real button controls)', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '', '' ].join('') const next = fixtureEl.querySelector('#next') const item2 = fixtureEl.querySelector('#item2') setTimeout(() => { expect(item2.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) done() }, 10) }) it('should create carousel and go to the next slide on click (using links as controls)', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '