// localizing all of the functions required to construct the user interface package itashi import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "log" "math" "os" "strconv" "text/template" "time" tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea" ) const SPRING_EQUINOX = 81 const SUMMER_SOLSTICE = 173 const AUTUMN_EQUINOX = 265 const WINTER_SOLSTICE = 356 var Quarters = []int{ SPRING_EQUINOX, SUMMER_SOLSTICE, AUTUMN_EQUINOX, WINTER_SOLSTICE, } const HEADER_TEMPLATE = ` {{.Date}} {{.Season}}, {{.DaysToQuarter}} days until the next {{.QuarterType}}. {{.DayOfWeek}} {{.Time}} {{.Meridiem}} ({{.TtEod.Hours}}H, {{.TtEod.Minutes}}M -> EoD, {{.TtSun.Hours}}H, {{.TtSun.Minutes}}M -> {{.SunCycle}}) ` const TASK_ITEM = ` +------------------------------------ | | Title: {{.Title}} | {{.Desc}} | Due: {{.Due}} | Priority: {{.Priority}} | Done?: {{.Priority}} | +--------------------------- ` const TIME_TO_TEMPLATE = `{{.Hours}}H, {{.Minutes}}M` // TODO: put all templates in their own file type HeaderData struct { Date string Season string DaysToQuarter int QuarterType string DayOfWeek string Time string Meridiem string TtEod TimeToSunShift TtSun TimeToSunShift SunCycle string } type TimeToSunShift struct { Hours int Minutes int } type UserDetails interface { daysToQuarter(day int) int getQuarterType(day int) string getSeason(day int) string getTime(ts time.Time) string getDate(ts time.Time) string getMeridiem(ts time.Time) string getTimeToEod(ts time.Time) TimeToSunShift getTimeToSunShift(ts time.Time) TimeToSunShift getSunCycle(ts time.Time) string } type UserImplementation struct{} func (u UserImplementation) daysToQuarter(day int) int { season := u.getSeason(day) if season == "Spring" { return SUMMER_SOLSTICE - day } return 1 } /* Return the quarter (solstice/equinox). We have to remember that we are returning the NEXT season type, i.e. if its currently spring, the next quarter (summer) will have a solstice :param day: the numerical day of the year :returns: either solstice, or equinox */ func (u UserImplementation) getQuarterType(day int) string { season := u.getSeason(day) if season == "Winter" { return "Equinox" } if season == "Summer" { return "Equinox" } return "Solstice" } func (u UserImplementation) getSeason(day int) string { if day > 365 { return "[REDACTED]" } if day < 0 { return "[REDACTED]" } if day > 0 && day < SPRING_EQUINOX { return "Winter" } if day > SPRING_EQUINOX && day < SUMMER_SOLSTICE { return "Spring" } if day > SUMMER_SOLSTICE && day < AUTUMN_EQUINOX { return "Summer" } if day > AUTUMN_EQUINOX && day < WINTER_SOLSTICE { return "Autumn" } if day > WINTER_SOLSTICE && day < 365 { return "Winter" } return "idk bruh" } func (u UserImplementation) getMeridiem(ts time.Time) string { if ts.Hour() < 12 { return "AM" } if ts.Hour() >= 12 { return "PM" } return "idk bruh" } func (u UserImplementation) getTimeToEod(ts time.Time) TimeToSunShift { if ts.Hour() > 17 { return TimeToSunShift{Hours: 0, Minutes: 0} } out := time.Date(ts.Year(), ts.Month(), ts.Day(), 17, 0, ts.Second(), ts.Nanosecond(), ts.Location()) dur := time.Until(out) hours := dur.Minutes() / 60 hours = math.Floor(hours) minutes := dur.Minutes() - (hours * 60) return TimeToSunShift{Hours: int(hours), Minutes: int(minutes)} } func (u UserImplementation) getTimeToSunShift(ts time.Time) TimeToSunShift { return TimeToSunShift{} } func (u UserImplementation) getSunCycle(ts time.Time) string { return "☼" } func (u UserImplementation) getTime(ts time.Time) string { var hour int if ts.Hour() == 0 { hour = 12 } else { hour = ts.Hour() } return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", hour, ts.Minute()) } func (u UserImplementation) getDate(ts time.Time) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %v, %v", ts.Month().String(), ts.Day(), ts.Year()) } // Format the header string with a template func getHeader(ud UserDetails, tmpl *template.Template) string { rn := time.Now() header := HeaderData{ Date: ud.getDate(rn), Season: ud.getSeason(rn.YearDay()), DaysToQuarter: ud.daysToQuarter(rn.YearDay()), QuarterType: ud.getQuarterType(rn.YearDay()), DayOfWeek: rn.Weekday().String(), Time: ud.getTime(rn), Meridiem: ud.getMeridiem(rn), TtEod: ud.getTimeToEod(rn), TtSun: ud.getTimeToSunShift(rn), SunCycle: ud.getSunCycle(rn), } var bw bytes.Buffer err := tmpl.Execute(&bw, header) if err != nil { log.Fatal("There was an issue parsing the header. sorry, ", err) } return bw.String() } type model struct { choices []string cursor int selected map[int]struct{} } func InitialModel() model { shelf := NewFilesystemShelf(GetDefualtSave()) return model{ choices: GetTaskNames(shelf.GetAll()), selected: make(map[int]struct{}), } } func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { // Just return `nil`, which means "no I/O right now, please." return nil } func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) { switch msg := msg.(type) { // Is it a key press? case tea.KeyMsg: // Cool, what was the actual key pressed? switch msg.String() { // These keys should exit the program. case "ctrl+c", "q": return m, tea.Quit // The "up" and "k" keys move the cursor up case "up", "k": if m.cursor > 0 { m.cursor-- } // The "down" and "j" keys move the cursor down case "down", "j": if m.cursor < len(m.choices)-1 { m.cursor++ } // The "enter" key and the spacebar (a literal space) toggle // the selected state for the item that the cursor is pointing at. case "enter", " ": _, ok := m.selected[m.cursor] if ok { delete(m.selected, m.cursor) } else { m.selected[m.cursor] = struct{}{} } } } // Return the updated model to the Bubble Tea runtime for processing. // Note that we're not returning a command. return m, nil } func (m model) View() string { // The header tmpl, err := template.New("header").Parse(HEADER_TEMPLATE) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Couldnt parse the header template.. sorry. ", err) } shelf := NewFilesystemShelf(GetDefualtSave()) s := getHeader(UserImplementation{}, tmpl) // Iterate over our choices for i, choice := range m.choices { // Is the cursor pointing at this choice? cursor := " " // no cursor if m.cursor == i { cursor = ">" // cursor! } // Is this choice selected? var taskrender string checked := " " // not selected if _, ok := m.selected[i]; ok { for x := range shelf.Tasks { if shelf.Tasks[x].Title == choice { taskrender = shelf.RenderTask(shelf.Tasks[x]) } } checked = "x" // selected! } // Render the row s += fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s] %s\n", cursor, checked, choice) s += taskrender } // The footer s += "\nPress q to quit.\n" // Send the UI for rendering return s } /* Add task to the shelf */ func AddTaskPrompt(shelf TaskShelf) { task := &Task{} var reader *bufio.Reader reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdout) fmt.Print("Enter Task Title: ") task.Title, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Print("Task description: ") task.Desc, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Print("Priority: ") priority, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') pri, err := strconv.Atoi(priority) if err != nil { fmt.Print("non-real number sry\n") } task.Priority = pri shelf.AddTask(*task) }